Further informationen: YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3u9XLjv LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3rbYP4s Twitter: https://twitter.com/SNIunibas SNI web page: www.nanoscience.ch SNI webpage with experiments: http://bit.ly/3Hw1FIk Some of the events in summer focused on light — and above all UV light. These special UV beads offer an entertaining way of making ultraviolet rays visible. At other events, the SNI used glittering chocolate to attract visitors to the stand. This chocolate is stamped with a special microstructure while still be- ing semiliquid and therefore shimmers in bright colors without the need for dyes. For the water laboratory at the special exhibition “Voller Energie” (Full of Energy) at Museum Burghalde, the SNI team produced explanatory videos all about water. As well as information on the course of studies and the PhD School, the SNI team also produced videos about scientific topics. The new program at the TecDays invites learners to try their hand at experi- ments. Large crowds gathered at the SNI stand at tunBasel and the Science Days at Europa-Park. At the Rüeblimärt in Aarau, visitors big and small could win prizes if they answered a question about the nanosciences correctly. SNI Annual Report 2022 53