The nanobodies are produced in a bioreactor at Innovative combination to combat cancer the FHNW School of Life Sciences and then com- In the Nano-Argovia project B7H3 Nanobody PC, researchers are bined with a polymer. (Image: O. Germershaus, FHNW) developing a novel nanobody-polymer conjugate to image and treat malignant tumors. It is a combination of a cell-specific nanobody, which acts very similarly to antibodies but is much smaller and which binds specifically to certain cancer cells, and a polymer that can be loaded with different compounds. The nanobody-polymer conjugate will be designed to cross the blood-brain barrier and then bind to the specific target molecule on the surface of cells of malignant brain tumors. Depending on the active substance that is bound to the nanobody-polymer conjugate, cancer cells in the brain may be combated or imaged. Cooperation with: CIS Pharma AG // FHNW School of Life Science // Paul Scherrer Institute // University Children’s Hospital Zurich (without funding from the SNI) Project description: “We are optimistic that our modularly applicable technology with its high degree of flexibility is also suitable for diagnosing and treating cancers that require a crossing of the blood-brain barrier.” Dr. Christian Geraths, CSO at CIS Pharma AG SNI Annual Report 2022 35