The master’s degree ceremony is the grand finale of the nanosciences degree program. (Image: K. Schad) Working at a high level Annual conference to present results from the block courses In the fifth and sixth semesters of the bachelor’s program, na- noscience students complete eight block courses. As part of these highly popular internships, the students work on their own small projects in various research groups. Here, they learn about scientific work based on current research and make new contacts. The courses are an ideal opportunity for them to ex- plore their interests in greater depth so that they can then choose two specializations for the master’s program. Results from the block courses are presented by the students at a conference known as SmallTalk, which is organized by the students themselves. Here, each student gives a talk and pres- ents another topic in the form of a poster for an interdisciplin- ary audience comprising researchers from the University of Talking to researchers from the SNI network, Daniel Gaus ex- Basel. plains his experiments in relation to a bacterial nanoharpoon, which he carried out as part of a block course at the Biozentrum. SNI Annual Report 2022 15