Further Back to her roots information: Video Former nanoscience student Anne Géraldine https://youtu.be/4nbXd3jKkZ0 Uni News Guex is returning to Basel as a professor https://www.unibas.ch/ en/News-Events/News/ Uni-Info/New-assistant-profes- sor-of-oral-implantology.html From 2024, the Straumann Assistant Professor Anne Géraldine UZB Guex will become a member of the SNI network. The unusual https://www.uzb.ch/ thing about this appointment is that Guex was part of the SNI at forschung/mitarbeitende-for- schung/ the time of its founding, when she was a student of the nano- sciences. Now, she will be supervising nanoscience students herself and will play an active role in SNI-supported research projects, focusing on research into oral implantology. Thanks to her previous work in areas such as tissue engineering and bioma- terials, she is ideally equipped to develop new materials for subse- quent use in clinical practice for the bene昀椀t of patients. Since April 2023, Géraldine Guex has been Assistant Professor of Oral Implantology at the University Center of Dental Medicine Basel (UZB). After completing school in Fribourg, Anne and I felt like I was in the right place, because Géraldine Guex initially wanted to study I’d always enjoyed tinkering with things and medicine and attended the Bachelor’s in- doing my own research,” she recalls. formation day at the University of Basel to 昀椀nd out more about medical studies there. A good start in the nanosciences She then realized that medicine lacked a re- Géraldine therefore enrolled on the nano- search component and that her gut instinct sciences program in 2003, becoming part of to study medicine was not exactly correct. the second-year group of students on this de- With that in mind, she also sought out in- manding, interdisciplinary course of studies. formation about the nanosciences degree The program had only been founded in 2002 program, which was completely new at the within what was then the National Center of time. “The nanoscience stand appealed to Competence in Research (NCCR) Nanoscale me immediately. The people were really nice, Science. Looking back, she particularly valued 14 SNI INSight December 2023