on his previous work and innovations. Moreover, he per- Still not bored sonally built 100 units of a “glow discharger” – a device Even though he is now retired and those tasks fall to that uses plasma to make surfaces hydrophilic – and dis- someone else, Markus nevertheless remains very active. tributed them to colleagues around the world. “I always For the SNI, he does some work with Museum Burghalde loved overcoming a technical challenge to make our in Lenzburg on an hourly basis in order to integrate as- work easier — and, of course, I always enjoyed excellent pects of the nanosciences into the permanent exhibition. support from the mechanical and electrical workshop,” In addition, Markus continues to play an active role in the says Markus. pension fund of Basel-Stadt and is running as a candidate for its board of directors. Another of Markus’s passions is teaching. Generations of medical and biology students have completed his three- He also has a family as well as various hobbies. His four week microscopy block course and still remember it adult sons and partner of many years, Dominique, are fondly today. In 2022, he found himself on the operating delighted that he can now spend more time with them — table at the University Hospital Basel following an acci- in the mountains, for example, or at sea to dive. After all, dent in the mountains. The operating surgeon smiled at water — either as snow or in liquid form — is another of him and said, “I know you,” explaining that he had taken his passions, and he was once Swiss champion of the 100 the microscopy block course with him many years ago m breaststroke. And anyone who knows anything about and still had vivid and positive memories of it. Markus Dürrenberger knows that his motorcycle is never in one place for long. “We would like to thank Markus for his dedication over the years and congratulate him on his honorary membership. We are delighted that he will maintain his links with the SNI network as a member.” Nano Fabrication Lab The service unit is growing In November 2023, two new members of sta昀昀 joined the team of the Nano Fabrica- tion Lab (NF Lab): Juri Herzog and Xavier Wildermuth will now support Dr. Gerard Gadea and Arnold Lücke in their work. Together, the four-person team will further expand the portfolio of services in the 昀椀eld of nanofabrication. Founded in summer 2022, the NF Lab provides compre- time basis (60%) and are looking forward to tackling new hensive nanofabrication services and support to research challenges in the world of nanofabrication. groups and partners from industry. To strengthen the group and to meet rising demand, additional support Herzog initially completed an apprenticeship as a watch- will now be on hand for Dr. Gerard Gadea, head of the maker before embarking upon a master’s program in mi- NF Lab, and Arnold Lücke, who was previously the sole cro and nanotechnology while working at Oris. A change technician. to the CSEM followed, where Juri Herzog completed the master’s thesis before working as a technician for nine Juri Herzog and Xavier Wildermuth joined the NF Lab years. By studying for a Certi昀椀cate of Advanced Studies team on November 1, 2023. Both are employed on a part- (CAS), Juri gained deeper insights into key topics such as SNI INSight December 2023 12