The SNI-sponsored “Wickel昀椀sch” waterproof swim bag was a prized Another item on the agenda was the Enterprise Fair, which offered goody for Basel’s hot summer days and — with its bright red color — has participants an opportunity to make contact with leading industry ex- been spotted in the Rhine repeatedly since the conference. perts from various sectors of the nanosciences. The event served as a bridge between aspiring talents and the organizations shaping the nanosciences of the future. (Image: Tania Beringer) Our culinary o昀昀erings were just as varied as the scientif- ic discussions. From pizza to Mediterranean delicacies, there was something to suit all tastes — and gastronomic highlights included the surprise gelato break from Gelat- eria di Berna and our conference dinner at the Teufelhof hotel. On the lab tours, participants had the chance to get to know various research groups in the 昀椀elds of physics, chemistry and biology from the University of Basel and the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzer- land (FHNW) in Muttenz. There was also an opportunity The organizing team in Basel: Elaine Schneider, Lukas Schneider, Timon for everyone to discover the city of Basel on a Foxtrail Flathmann, Alexa Dani, Luca Forrer, Rahel Kaiser, Mathias Claus and tour, as part of a visit to Museum Tinguely or under their Valerie Bendel. own steam — equipped with their waterproof swim bags. Our motto “Make Nano Visible” was well received by “For the organizing committee, the pro- bachelor’s, master’s and PhD students from across all disciplines, who presented their innovative research cess of planning INASCON over a period projects in fascinating talks and at an informative post- of almost 12 months presented us with er session. The prize for the best poster went to Fabian Scheidler from the University of Würzburg, and the prize repeated hurdles. With some stamina, for the best talk to Amir Nazemi from FHNW Muttenz. creativity and support from the SNI, we These two outstanding contributions were rewarded were able to overcome these hurdles as with cameras from our sponsor Nikon! a team and learned a great deal in the United in diversity process. We’re delighted that INASCON INASCON 2023 brought together brilliant minds from di昀昀erent areas of research, universities and cultures, not 2023 in Basel proved to be an education- only yielding new ideas and opportunities for semesters al and exciting experience for all!” abroad but also opening up potential career pathways and collaborations. With their di昀昀erent origins and goals, all Organizing team of the INASCON 2023 participants played a part in making nano more visible. INASCON 2024: Assembling the Future Further information: We’re now eagerly awaiting the next installment INASCON of INASCON, which will be held at the University of Twente in Enschede, Netherlands. Under the motto “Assembling the Future,” INASCON 2024 promises to be another extraordinary milestone in research and innovation. SNI INSight December 2023 21