Awards and honors Ruzicka Prize for Murielle Delley Professor Murielle Delley (Department of Chemistry, University of Basel) has been awarded the Ruzicka Prize. The prize, named after the ETH professor and Nobel laureate Leopold Ruzicka, is sponsored by dsm-昀椀rmenich and is one of the most important awards for the promotion of young scientists in the 昀椀eld of chemistry in Switzerland. The award ceremony will take place on February 14, 2025 in the HCl building (Hönggerberg). Further information: Christoph Gerber named “Clarivate Citation Laureate” Every September, the media group Clarivate (UK) publishes a list of scientists who are con- sidered to have a chance of winning the Nobel Prize based on their frequent citations in high-ranking scienti昀椀c journals. Professor Christoph Gerber (Department of Physics, Univer- sity of Basel) was included in this year’s list in the physics category for his invention of the atomic force microscope and was thus named “Clarivate Citation Laureate”. Clarivate Citation Laureates News from the SNI network Synthetic cells emulate natural cellular communication A research team from the University of Basel has succeeded in synthesizing simple, envi- ronmentally sensitive cells complete with arti昀椀cial organelles. For the 昀椀rst time, the researchers have also been able to emulate natural cell-cell communication using these protocells – based on the model of photore- ceptors in the eye. This opens up new possi- bilities for basic research and applications in medicine. (Illustration: Olivia Fischer, University of Basel) University of Basel News: len-ahmen-natuerliche-zellkommunikation-nach/ Original publication: 26 SNI INSight December 2024

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