Master’s ceremony at Wild’sches Haus For several years now, we have celebrated the successful completion of their studies with graduates from the mas- ter’s program in nanosciences. It is a joyful event where everyone involved can see how the young scientists have developed since they came to the University of Basel to study nanosciences a few years ago. They all learned the basics in the natural sciences and then went on to spe- cialize. While they faced some challenging exams, the students all succeeded, in part thanks to the support the gave each other. At the end of October, the 2024 gradu- ates received their certi昀椀cates and were able to toast their achievements with their parents and some members of the SNI management team. We wish them all every suc- cess, happiness and ful昀椀llment on their future journey! The Master’s ceremony for the nanoscience students is the crowning glory of the interdisciplinary course. (Image: K. Schad) Impressions: Future Day 2024 Sixteen young people took part in the joint event orga- nized by the Department of Physics and the SNI. Using small experiments, the students were able to experience the exciting properties of sound waves for themselves. Dexterity was then required when soldering a game of skill. The Future Day gave the pupils an insight into the nanosciences and physics. Portrait of Sonja Schmid in UNI NOVA In the current issue of UNI NOVA an article about the work of Professor Sonja Schmid (Department of Chemis- try, University of Basel) has been published. Sonja Schmid is a member of the SNI network and develops methods to directly observe individual proteins at work. Among other things, she uses nanopores that allow individual molecules to pass through and thus provide information about their structure. UNI NOVA article: cules-in-full-gallop.html Video portrait Sonja Schmid: Sonja Schmid studied nanosciences in Basel. She now teaches and con- ducts research at the Department of Chemistry and is also a member of the SNI network. SNI INSight December 2024 31