Further information Biomaterials & Bio- medical Technology (BBT) at University Center Groningen https://umcgresearch.org/w/ biomaterials-and-biomedi- cal-technology Transmission electron micrographs of nanoparticles with Microscopic image of a polymer microneedle patch. This a metal-organic framework. patch has a size of about 1x1 cm with 100 needles. BBT meetings were an opportunity for me to “I’m grateful to the Swiss expand my knowledge in various 昀椀elds, such Nanoscience Institute and as nanomedical formulations for the treat- Professor Santos for this amazing ment of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, as well as new technologies in regenerative opportunity. As well as gaining medicine. For me, one highlight was a talk knowledge and practical experi- by Professor Elisabeth Bik on the integrity of ence, I discovered new avenues of research and the associated challenges when it comes to scienti昀椀c publications. professional and personal devel- Groningen is a proper student city opment — and had a great time and often only really wakes up at 11 pm — so in Groningen, both inside and there was plenty to discover with my col- leagues. From a culinary perspective, I par- outside the laboratory.” ticularly remember the sweet stroopwafels. Alexa Dani, former nanoscience student, University of Basel Almost endless 昀椀elds of tulips near the Dollard. Day trip with Professor Santos’ research group with golf followed by a barbecue. SNI INSight December 2024 19