Further A better understanding of Regulation of cell metabolism information photosynthesis As part of an SNSF project in collaboration The team led by Professor Benjamin Engel with researchers from the University of Kiev Swiss National (Biozentrum, University of Basel) is investi- (Ukraine), Professor Timm Maier (Biozentrum, Science Foundation gating thylakoid membranes, which play University of Basel) is investigating a special (SNSF) an important role in photosynthesis. In the group of proteins (Rag proteins) that play an https://www.snf.ch/en chloroplasts of plants and algae, the protein elementary role in the regulation of cell me- Project description complexes that control the light-dependent tabolism. The main function of Rag proteins Ben Engel reactions of photosynthesis are embedded is to control the mTOR complex. Rag proteins https://data.snf.ch/grants/ grant/10001398 within these complex thylakoid networks. In help mTOR to determine whether su昀케cient Research group an SNSF-funded project in collaboration with nutrients such as amino acids are available in Ben Engel the University of California, the researchers the cell to trigger growth processes. https://www.biozentrum.uni- aim to develop a mechanistic model that In the project, which has been ap- bas.ch/about/administration/ administration-a-z/overview/ shows how thylakoid membranes are as- proved for three years, the focus is primarily unit/research-group-ben-engel sembled and how they form their intricate on low-molecular compounds that bind to Project description architecture, which enables photosynthetic Rag proteins. In fundamental research, they Timm Maier proteins to convert sunlight into life. The re- can serve as important tools for investigat- https://data.snf.ch/grants/ grant/224771 searchers will use a cellular system in which ing and analyzing the diverse roles of Rag Research group photosynthesis can be switched on and o昀昀 proteins. In addition, such compounds with Timm Maier and will combine this with cryo-electron a selective functional e昀昀ect on Rag proteins https://www.biozentrum. tomography. This will allow them to track are an important starting point for the devel- unibas.ch/about/adminis- thylakoid membrane development at molec- opment of new drug candidates and poten- tration/administration-a-z/ overview/unit/research-group- ular resolution. tial therapies – especially for the treatment timm-maier of cancer. Project description Markus Kalberer https://data.snf.ch/grants/ grant/10001153 Toxicity of particulate matter and Research group fuel emissions Markus Kalberer The group of Professor Markus Kalberer (De- https://duw.unibas.ch/de/ partment of Environmental Sciences, Univer- forschungsgruppen/atmos- sity of Basel) is investigating the toxicity of phaerenwissenschaften/ particulate matter, in particular the oxidative potential, which is a good approximation for the toxicity of aerosols. In a new SNSF proj- ect, the researchers want to gain a better un- derstanding of the molecular basis of these processes and develop a new device that can measure not only the toxicity of particles, but also that of the gas phase. The Kalberer team will also measure aerosols (brake wear and desert dust) to determine their toxicity. In another Horizon Europe project, Markus Kalberer plans to determine the oxi- dative potential of emissions from new types of fuels that produce no or very little CO 2 when burned (low- or zero-carbon fuels) in order to gain a better understanding of the toxicity of these fuels. Evolution of artificial enzymes Professor Thomas Ward’s group (Depart- ment of Chemistry, University of Basel) has SNI doctoral student Philippe Van der Stappen together launched a project that seeks to optimize with Ben Engel are using advanced cryo-electron tomog- arti昀椀cial catalysts in collaboration with the raphy to look at the protein machines that perform CO University of California, Irvine. The research- 2 ers are working on the hypothesis that natu- 昀椀xation inside algae cells. ral enzymes in modern organisms have been SNI INSight December 2024 21