Further The SNI’s work will have Modern equipment for research groups and information an impact on society, on service units is fundamental in the rapidly the one hand, through changing 昀椀eld of nanosciences and nano- Strategy 2024-2034 the success of basic and technology. With this in mind, the SNI will https://nanoscience.unibas. applied research on is- therefore work to ensure that state-of-the-art ch/fileadmin/user_upload/ nanoscience/04_UEber_Uns/ sues for which nanotech- infrastructure allows research at the highest Organisation/Strategy-Pa- Impact per_en_final_28_5_24.pdf nologies o昀昀er solutions. level. On the other hand, it The SNI team will step up e昀昀orts to will have an impact by providing specialized engage in e昀昀ective knowledge and technol- services beyond the network, through the ogy transfer — after all, it will only be pos- training of excellent young scientists and sible to exploit the potential of innovations through active outreach. developed in the research groups of the SNI network (CSEM Allschwil, D-BSSE, FHNW, Relevance in all areas PSI, ANAXAM, Swiss PIC and the University The four guiding principles are re昀氀ected in of Basel) if we succeed in transferring appli- planned measures a昀昀ecting all areas relevant cations of our research 昀椀ndings to compa- to the SNI. nies. The Nano-Argovia program, which has For the network, it is important to existed since the time of the SNI’s founding, further expand the interdisciplinary and in- will continue to operate in order to promote terinstitutional community over the coming exchange between researchers from the SNI years. With its shared goals, this community network and from industrial companies in is characterized by excellence in research Northwestern Switzerland as well as jointly and identi昀椀cation with the SNI. We will developing new products and applications. also expand the network’s reach by further In terms of public relations, the SNI stimulating exchange with the nanoscience is keen to generate a positive association with community at the national and international the terms “nanoscience” and “nanotechnolo- level. gy.” The objective is to report on the achieve- In terms of education, we will focus ments of SNI researchers in an entertaining on training committed young nanoscientists manner and to share our fascination with the who are ideally equipped to master the com- nanoworld. This involves not only informing plex challenges of the future thanks to their the wider public, but also getting children broad knowledge base. The SNI will there- and young people excited about studying a fore continually adapt the curriculum of the natural science or the nanosciences. degree program and step up e昀昀orts to get schoolchildren excited about this demanding course of studies. We will make the course and the PhD School more attractive by consolidat- ing the links between education and the SNI’s research and service activities. We will strive for closer collaboration with AlumniNano with a view to helping nanoscience students learn about research approaches outside the network and gain a better overview of poten- tial career pathways. The SNI will concentrate its research and service activities on the areas of nano- imaging and nanofabrication in order to de- liver solutions to the challenges facing soci- ety. In the future, there will be closer links between the di昀昀erent research groups and the Nano Technology Center (Nano Imaging Lab and Nano Fabrication Lab), which was founded in 2022. The portfolio of customers and partners is to be expanded over the com- ing years — including through contact with other national and international nanocenters. SNI INSight June 2024 5