Swiss NanoConvention 2024
The Swiss NanoConvention 2024 took place at the Congress Center in Basel. Here's a short report about the successful event organized by the SNI.
Further Swiss NanoConvention 2024 information Two inspiring days of all things nano Swiss NanoConven- tion 2024 https://2024.swissnanoconven- Some 300 participants, 60 high-school pupils, 44 talks, 53 posters, Video SNC 2024 seven awards, 15 exhibition stands and 25 sponsors — these are just some of the 昀椀gures that de昀椀ne SNC 2024. What the 昀椀gures don’t re昀氀ect, however, is the intellectually stimulating yet relaxed atmosphere that provided an opportunity not only to engage in many inspiring conversations but also to forge new contacts and refresh old ones. Over two intensive and interesting days, partic- ipants discussed numerous topics and exchanged knowledge re- garding innovative nanoresearch and nanotechnology applications. Openess is the key The task of organizing the Swiss NanoCon- vention (SNC) is always not just a privilege but also a challenge, and one that the SNI team is happy to embrace. The SNC is all about nanoscience and nanotechnology in terms of both basic science and applications, and covers areas ranging from quantum science to nanomedicine. This diversity pro- vides a unique opportunity to look outside the box, but also calls for speakers and visi- tors to open their minds and take an interest in 昀椀elds other than their own. SNI Director Professor Martino Pog- gio touched on this necessity in his welcome address, in which he invited all participants to “challenge themselves to embrace the diver- In his welcome address, SNI Director Martino Poggio sity of topics and attend talks on less-familiar invited all participants to embrace the diversity of topics subjects” — for this is precisely the particular and attend talks on less-familiar subjects – because this is precisely the particular attraction of the Swiss Nano- attraction of the Swiss NanoConvention. The Convention. chair of the Swiss MNT Network, Dr. Michel Despont, used his welcome address to high- light the active participation of industrial “The Canton of Basel-Stadt sup- companies in the SNC. This o昀昀ers an ideal platform for exchange and communication ports the Swiss NanoConvention between researchers from research institu- because this important exchange tions and companies. of ideas between researchers Contributions by leading scientists from di昀昀erent institutions and As well as promoting diversity in terms of disciplines paves the way for subject matter and exchange across institu- tional boundaries, the program and organiz- innovative solutions to ing team from the SNI was also keen to invite wide-ranging challenges.” leading international scientists to the SNC in Basel with a view to o昀昀ering insights into the Dr. Karin Sartorius, Basel-Stadt Congress latest research 昀椀ndings for the assembled Board, platinum sponsor nanocommunity. It is clear from the list of SNI INSight June 2024 25