Nano-Argovia program: Knowledge and technology transfer with companies from Northwestern Switzerland Constant exchange between academic institutions and industry is a vi- tal part of promoting innovation at companies. The SNI supports this process of knowledge and technology transfer through its Nano-Argovia program, which has existed since the SNI was founded. This successful program has enabled the SNI to support over 100 projects so far with companies from Northwestern Switzerland, paving the way for numer - ous nanotechnology applications. In 2023, nine projects were funded as part of the Nano-Argovia pro- gram — 昀椀ve new ones and four that had begun in 2022. Four of the industrial partners were from the Canton of Aargau, 昀椀ve hailing from one of the two Basel half-cantons. Participating as academic partners in 2023 were mainly the University of Applied Sciences and Arts North- western Switzerland in Muttenz and Windisch and the Paul Scherrer Institute. Likewise, colleagues from CSEM Allschwil, the University of Basel and the ANAXAM Technology Transfer Center also contributed their expertise to the success of Nano-Argovia projects. 34 SNI Annual Report 2023

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