In the Nano-Argovia project NanoHighSens, re- Novel current sensor ful昀椀lling the latest quality standards searchers have started to develop a novel current In the Nano-Argovia project NanoHighSens, researchers have sensor. The researchers are using an array of started to develop a novel current sensor that aims to outper- eight small magnetometers positioned around the current conductor, each based on 100 mag- form existing technologies in terms of bandwidth and resolu- netic tunnel junctions. (Image: FHNW Muttenz) tion and is expected to meet new standards for power quality measurement devices. The researchers are using an array of eight small magneto- meters positioned around the current conductor, each based “The NanoHighSens project is on 100 magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs). These are arranged an essential basic building over an area of 100 μm x 100 μm. The good resolution with an block for a holistic energy improved signal-to-noise ratio compared with conventional de- ef昀椀ciency assessment taking vices results from the fact that the respective measurements into account the power are based on an average of 100 magnetic 昀椀eld measurements. quality footprint.” In the 昀椀rst year of the project, the interdisciplinary team tested Max Ulrich, various magnetic tunnel junctions as well as di昀昀erent ap- Managing Director, Camille Bauer proaches to the design of the new current probe architectures. Metrawatt AG Cooperation with: Camille Bauer Metrawatt AG // FHNW School of Life Sciences // FHNW School of Engineering Project description: SNI Annual Report 2023 37

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