Education The newly acquired metal evaporator is located Joint activities in the new clean room, which the SNI has rented in the new building of the Department of Biosys- tems Science and Engineering of ETH Zurich in Basel. The two groups that make up the Nano Technology Center are also involved in teaching and public relations. In 2023, the two group leaders, Dr. Gerard Gadea and Dr. Marcus Wyss, o昀昀ered their 昀椀rst lecture course for bachelor’s students of nanosciences and physics. Students on the course “For me, working on the scanning electron microscope receive an introduction to the subject matter as well as an was a highlight of my Matura thesis. “ excellent overview of the practical work relating to electron Tim Zimmerli on the support from Evi Bieler and Monica and scanning probe microscopy as well as micro and nanofa- Schönenberger from the Nano Imaging Lab brication, thereby complementing their theoretical knowledge. Interns and visitors were welcomed to both the NF Lab and the NI Lab in 2023. By taking part in tours and interactive vi- sitor programs, they gained an insight into various activities relating to the imaging of the micro and nanoworld as well as various techniques for producing tiny structures. In 2023, the Nano Imaging Lab not only welcomed school classes but also supported 昀椀ve high-school students who nee- ded scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses and images for their Matura projects. Providing this kind of support is very time-consuming but represents an investment in the future. After all, a broader understanding of the micro and nanoworld drives greater acceptance of nanosciences and nanotechnology. 50 SNI Annual Report 2023
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