Swiss Nanoscience Institute: The interdisciplinary center of excellence for nanosciences in Northwestern Switzerland The Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) at the Uni- versity of Basel is a center of excellence for nano- sciences and nanotechnology and was founded in 2006 on the initiative of the Canton of Aargau and the University of Basel. 20% The SNI is underpinned by a network of scientists 20% of SNI members from leading research institutions in Northwestern are women. Switzerland. These researchers work on questions of basic or applied science in relation to the nano- sciences and nanotechnology. Moreover, they are involved in educating young nanoscientists who have broad interdisciplinary expertise and are ideal - 12+5+5 ly prepared to work at the interfaces between dif- ferent disciplines. In 2023, 12 students successfully completed their bachelor’s program, 5 completed the master’s program. To drive this interdisciplinary education further, the Five PhD students successfully SNI coordinates Switzerland’s unique nanoscience defended their theses. degree program at the University of Basel, which leads students to a bachelor’s and a master’s de- gree in nanosciences. The SNI also runs a PhD School, which attracts early career researchers from all over the world. Support for education and research is also provid- ed by the SNI’s Nano Technology Center, which consists of two service units: the Nano Imaging 40 Lab and the Nano Fabrication Lab. With a total of 10 members of staff, the team is available to cus- In 2023, 40 PhD students were enrolled in the SNI PhD School. tomers from higher education institutions and companies and supports their research by provid- ing services in the areas of imaging, analysis, and nano and microfabrication. 8 SNI Annual Report 2023