On the way to more robust power semiconductors Altered phases In the Nano-Argovia project CRONOS, an interdisciplinary team In the Nano-Argovia project META-DISPLAYS, researchers have of scientists has investigated how cosmic radiation a昀昀ects power been developing a phase retarder that can be used as a compo- semiconductors designed for high electrical currents and volt- nent in foldable and rollable screens to speci昀椀cally alter and ages. The researchers irradiated the power semiconductors with control the propagation of light. This is possible thanks to tiny protons and neutrons in a controlled manner while simultane- nanostructures on the phase retarder’s surface that change the ously applying an electrical voltage. They then carried out stress phases of the electromagnetic 昀椀eld emitted by the light source. tests focusing on speci昀椀c very thin layers in the semiconductors The researchers have now been able to reduce the retarder’s (gate oxide layers) that prevent electrical leakage currents. The thickness, making it suitable for foldable and rollable screens. researchers gained important information about the damage They also succeeded in meeting other requirements such as that physical processes can cause. Their data will support the high transmission and color neutrality. development of more robust power semiconductors. Cooperation with: Rolic Technologies Ltd // CSEM Allschwil Cooperation with: SwissSEM GmbH // FHNW School of // Paul Scherrer Institute Engineering // ANAXAM Project description: https://bit.ly/3Xw9YtE Project description: https://bit.ly/3xfcxpv In the Nano-Argovia project CRONOS, an interdisciplinary team of scientists has investigated how cosmic radiation affects power semiconductors. (Im- age: FHNW Windisch) “The Nano-Argovia project CRONOS creates ideal conditions for advancing and improving the development of power semiconductors in In the future, greater use will be made of 昀氀exible screens. (Image: Rolic Tech- collaboration with experts in material analysis.“ nologies) Dr. Roger Stark, Head of Test Laboratory, SwissSEM Technologies AG “A metasurface device will allow Rolic to strengthen its competitive advantage as a material supplier to the display industry.” Dr. Richard Frantz, Head of Development, Rolic Technologies Ltd 42 SNI Annual Report 2023

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