Nano Technology Center: Support and in-house research at the highest level After its founding in 2022, the Nano Technology Center went on to make valuable contributions to research and education in the SNI net - work in 2023. The Nano Fabrication Lab (NF Lab) and Nano Imaging Lab (NI Lab), which both form the Nano Technology Center, comple - ment one another perfectly. They are available to provide services both to partners from the network and to external customers. As well as enhancing their range of services through their own re - search activities, the two labs also participate in teaching and out- reach activities of the SNI. The year 2023 brought far-reaching staf昀椀ng changes at the Nano Imag- ing Lab, with the retirement of the long-standing head of the lab, Dr. Markus Dürrenberger, who handed over the reins to the nanoscientist Dr. Marcus Wyss, as well as the arrival of the physicist Dr. Alexander Vogel as a new member of staff. The lab’s six-person team handled a total of 183 orders from 126 dif- ferent customers in 2023. Not only research groups from the SNI net- work but also external companies pro昀椀ted from the detailed analyses provided by the NI Lab staff. Various groups of visitors also enjoyed fascinating tours of the NI Lab, whose microscopes deliver fascinat - ing images of the micro and nanoworld and therefore allow impres- sive insights into the world of tiny structures and objects. In 2023, the Nano Fabrication Lab continued its mission to pool the infrastructure from the Department of Physics that is needed for micro and nanofabrication, to establish organizational measures with a view to improving ef昀椀ciency and safety in clean room operations, and to pave the way for expanding the equipment and a second clean room. The year 2023 also saw the services of the NF Lab used by nine different research groups from the University of Basel, with a total of 80 users, as well as considerable growth in the lab’s staff. In November, the two technicians Juri Herzog and Xavier Wildermuth joined the team, which now numbers four people. Nano Technology Center: 46 SNI Annual Report 2023