Electron beam lithography also possible Vibrations of molecules visualized and studied on uneven surfaces Researchers from the SNI network have developed a new Researchers from the SNI network have developed a new method for imaging the vibration of molecules. The scientists method for applying electron beam lithography to uneven sur- studied a speci昀椀c pyrene molecule on a silver surface using a faces. They are working with a 昀氀oating resist that enables uni- scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Understanding molecu- form coating. This method will help the researchers place elec- lar vibration is of crucial importance in a wide range of areas trical contacts on the tip of an atomic force microscope canti- in molecular electronics and spintronics and in the develop- lever and thus produce highly sensitive probes for studying ment of quantum computers, for example, since vibrations af- electric and magnetic 昀椀elds. fect transport properties and spin dynamics. Video: https://youtu.be/UBcYtnmA9Hc SNI post: https://bit.ly/3UPtBzf SNI post: https://bit.ly/42RgtMc Original publication: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-41601-2 Original publication: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0127665 The developed method will help the researchers place electrical contacts on the tip of an atomic force microscope cantilever and thus produce highly sensitive probes for studying electric and magnetic 昀椀elds. Better classi昀椀cation with machine learning Researchers from the SNI network have presented a new ma- chine learning technique speci昀椀cally designed to enhance the analysis of protein unfolding using atomic force microscopy (AFM) data. The method is characterized by the fact that the program used repeatedly analyzes the data and thereby allows more precise and e昀케cient data classi昀椀cation. SNI post: https://bit.ly/3UQ4QTA Original publication: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c03026 TBTAP molecules on a silver surface are initially negatively charged. If a positive voltage is applied to the tip of an STM and this is then brought close to the molecule, the molecule discharges. This discharge does not oc- cur in one go, but rather in an oscillating manner. (Animation: Department of Physics, University of Basel) Machine learning enhances the classi昀椀cation of unfolding patterns in pro- teins. (Image: V. Dof昀椀ni, Department of Chemistry, University of Basel) SNI Annual Report 2023 29

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