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Department of Biozentrum Chemistry Department of Department of Physics Environmental CSEM Sciences University of Basel Allschwil SNI Nano Fabrication Lab Department of Nano Imaging Lab Biomedicine Department of Pharmaceutical FHNW School of Sciences LIfe Sciences ANAXAM FHNW School of Engineering D-BSSE ETHZ Basel Paul Scherrer Institute PSI Swiss PIC The interdisciplinary network of the SNI is made up of research groups from the leading research institutions in Northwestern Switzerland. These groups work on basic scienti昀椀c and applied pro- jects and ensure an excellent standard of re- search work. (Background image: iStock) Through its two Excellent service from the Nano Educate and enthrall service units Technology Center It’s important to the SNI team not only to train young (Nano Imaging The SNI is also on hand as a service provider to part- scientists, conduct excellent research and act as a Lab and Nano ners in academia and industry. As part of the SNI sought-after partner and service provider, but also Fabrication Lab), since 2016, the Nano Imaging Lab (NI Lab) has a to inform the general public about SNI activities and the Nano Tech- six-person team and o昀昀ers comprehensive services to foster an interest in the natural sciences. nology Center relating to surface imaging and analysis. In 2022, a By taking part in science festivals, exhibitions and assists research- second service unit was added in the form of the markets, as well as through laboratory tours and new ers with surface Nano Fabrication Lab (NF Lab), which initially formats such as “MINT on the move,” the SNI sta昀昀 imaging and brought together existing activities and infrastruc- come into contact with various target groups and analysis and ture from the Department of Physics in order to o昀昀er provide them with insights into everyday laboratory micro and nano- professional and e昀昀ective services in the promising life and the nanoworld. The SNI also collates infor- fabrication. area of nanofabrication. In 2023, new equipment was mation in the form of videos, brochures, media re- purchased and a second clean room went into oper- leases and an online magazine, which reach di昀昀erent ation. target groups via various social media channels. SNI Annual Report 2023 11

Annual Report 2023 - Page 11 Annual Report 2023 Page 10 Page 12