Research: Varied and high-quality The basis of innovations often lies in exploring fundamental scienti昀椀c principles. Understanding how systems work is the 昀椀rst step toward potential applications. Accordingly, basic research plays a vital role at the Swiss Nanoscience Institute. A wide range of research 昀椀elds are addressed within the SNI net- work. Most projects revolve around understanding quantum physical phenomena and biomedical questions. Above all, researchers in the SNI network focus on making the nanoworld “visible” and on produc- ing nanoscale structures and materials. In 2023, researchers from the SNI network published 45 publications in respected journals. A small selection of these publications is pre- sented here to provide insights into the wide-ranging subject areas and results obtained. The various research 昀椀ndings help us learn to understand the special laws that rule the nanoworld, paving the way for various applications. 24 SNI Annual Report 2023