malfunctions. In total, the Nano Technology Center’s budget CHF 1.2 million in new infrastructure in 2023. ran to almost CHF 1 million in 2023. Other purchases with a Further investments in research infrastructure were planned view to equipping the Nano Technology Center for the future in 2023, but long delivery times mean they will not appear in were also approved in 2023, but long delivery times will mean the 昀椀nancial report until 2024. The SNI Executive Committee that they are not included in the cost accounting until 2024. approved further infrastructure investments of around CHF 1 million at its 昀椀rst meeting of 2024. This ensures that the SNI’s Study and outreach as further cornerstones of our work reserves are put to sensible use and will help to equip the SNI The SNI contributes over CHF 0.5 million to the interdisciplinary and associated research groups for the future. degree program in nanosciences at the University of Basel. In In the last line of the SNI’s annual statement, some CHF 5.6 2023, 56 bachelor’s and 26 master’s students took advantage of million are shown as “SNI assets per 31 December 2023, in CHF.” this educational program — the only one of its kind in Switzer- This balance does not take account of commitments already land — in which early career researchers receive a broad ground- made in previous years, including new equipment for the Nano ing in the natural sciences and are therefore ideally equipped Technology Center and investments in infrastructure for re- to work at the interfaces between di昀昀erent disciplines. search groups. In addition, there is always a proportion of fund- The work of the SNI team also includes raising awareness ing for Nano-Argovia projects that has not been spent yet. A of the degree program and informing the public about nano- signi昀椀cant part of this funding consists of reserves for ongoing sciences and the activities of the SNI in general. To this end, doctoral dissertation projects, as doctoral students at the SNI sta昀昀 take part in various events and establish their own formats PhD School are funded for a contract period of 48 months. for dialog with the general public. Increasing importance is also placed on publishing information about the SNI on social media. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Finance de- Events such as the Annual Event and the Nano-Tech Apéro pro- partment at the University of Basel for its valuable collaboration vide essential occasions for an internal exchange of ideas. Here, throughout the year and for its e昀케cient 昀椀nancial reporting. A SNI members have the opportunity to get to know one another, huge thanks also goes to the Cantons of Aargau, Basel-Stadt and discuss their research and generate new ideas. In total, the costs Baselland. Their ongoing commitment is what makes it possible for public relations and internal events come to less than CHF for the SNI to train excellent early career researchers, generate 0.2 million. new scienti昀椀c insights, and support companies with innovative projects as we work toward building a better future. Essential investments in the future Modern infrastructure is vital in order to remain competitive in the nanosciences and nanotechnology. Accumulated reserves allow the SNI to support infrastructure measures in research groups and at the Nano Technology Center. In addition to pro- curements in the service sector, the SNI also contributed CHF 0.5 million to the acquisition of a state-of-the-art electron mi- croscope at the Biozentrum. In total, the SNI invested almost The following table shows the income statement of SNI funds as of 31 December, 2023: SNI annual statement in CHF Univ. Basel Canton AG Total Grants 2’827’284 5‘140‘000 7’967’284 Investment income 16’009 1’068 17’077 Income 2’843’293 5’141’068 7’984’361 Expenditure 2’558’090 6’487’662 9’045’752 Annual balance 2023 285’204 (1’346’594) (1’061’390) SNI assets per 01/01/2023 1’704’344 4’923’761 6’628’105 Annual balance 285’204 (1’346’594) (1’061’390) SNI assets per 31/12/2023 in CHF 1’989’548 3’577’167 5’566’715 SNI Annual Report 2023 59

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