Dear colleagues and nanoenthusiasts, Once again, the time has come to look Likewise, the Nano Fabrication Lab wel- fascination with the natural sciences and back over the past year as part of the An- comed two new members of sta昀昀 at the nanosciences with the general public and nual Report. This has been my 昀椀rst full end of the year and began operating a to report on research carried out at the year as Director of the SNI, and I’ve expe- clean room in the new building of the SNI. For example, we’ve been providing rienced some real highlights in my role. Department of Biosystems Science and information about the SNI via a rede- In 2023, we gave considerable thought Engineering of ETH Zurich in Basel. Ac- signed website since the start of 2023 — to the future of our unique, interdisci- cordingly, the Nano Technology Center is and we also o昀昀ered science experiments plinary network and worked on drawing even better equipped not only to assist and craft projects to interested adults, up a strategy paper. Although the paper researchers from academia and industry teenagers and children on train journeys. will only be published in spring 2024, I with surface imaging and analysis, as well Through these wide-ranging exam- can already reveal that we will be focus- as micro and nanofabrication, but also to ples, the Annual Report 2023 provides an ing on nanoimaging and nanofabrication continue expanding its services through overview of the work of SNI members and strengthening collaboration within its own research. over the last year. We hope you enjoy our network. We will adapt to changes in Research into the nanosciences is and reading it. external conditions so that we continue will remain an integral part of the SNI to contribute to solving the challenges — and we support projects in the areas Kind regards, that our society faces tomorrow through of both basic and applied science. Two our activities in the areas of research, ser- sections of the Annual Report are devoted vices and teaching. The sharper focus on to the results of research projects that our core strengths will help us to position were published by SNI members or car- the SNI and equip it for the future — not ried out by teams as part of the Nano-Ar- only with regard to research and educa- govia program in 2023. Professor Martino Poggio tion but also in terms of services, exper- Another key part of our work has al- SNI Director tise and technology transfer. ways been the training of excellent young Another highlight was undoubtedly scientists, who not only gain valuable spe- the Annual Event 2023, which saw SNI cialist knowledge but also learn to look members come together in the Canton of beyond the boundaries of their own re- Aargau for the 昀椀rst time. Events such as search. As scientists, they are therefore these are vital for our interdisciplinary ideally prepared to work at the interfaces community, providing an opportunity to between di昀昀erent disciplines. Summaries learn about each other’s work, to make of the dissertations completed at the SNI new contacts, and to come up with ideas PhD School in 2023 provide insights into for joint projects. An occasion such as this the projects supported by the SNI. is not only important from a research per- The year also brought highlights in spective — indeed, our two service units, relation to the nanosciences study pro- the Nano Imaging Lab and the Nano Fab- gram. For example, the program coordi- rication Lab, also bene昀椀t from this ex- nator, Dr. Anja Car, received the Univer- change of ideas and the opportunity to sity of Basel’s Teaching Excellence Award inform the entire network of their for “Service to Teaching” in recognition wide-ranging services. of her excellent work. Moreover, 2023 was For the two service teams, which to- the 昀椀rst year in which nanoscience stu- gether make up the Nano Technology Cen- dents completed their master’s studies ter, 2023 was a signi昀椀cant year. Following with a major in medical nanosciences. the retirement of Dr. Markus Dürren- This popular specialization has been berger, the nanoscientist Dr. Marcus Wyss available to students since 2021. took over as head of the Nano Imaging The last section of the Annual Report Lab, and a new member of sta昀昀 also joined provides examples of various activities the team, which numbers six people. that we carry out in order to share our SNI Annual Report 2023 3