Nano Imaging Lab Organization Dr. M. Dürrenberger (Head) Dr. M. Wyss (Deputy head, TEM, FIB-SEM) E. Bieler (SEM) Argovia Board S. Erpel (SEM, TEM) Landammann A. Hürzeler, Head Department of Education, D. Mathys (FIB-SEM, image coloring) Culture and Sport, Canton of Aargau Dr. M. Schönenberger (AFM, LSM) Prof. Dr. C. Bergamaschi, President FHNW Prof. Dr. C. Rüegg, Director Paul Scherrer Institute Prof. Dr. A. Schenker-Wicki, President University of Basel Prof. Dr. C. Schönenberger, Director SNI (until 31 July 2022) Nano Fabrication Lab Prof. Dr. M. Poggio, Director SNI (since 01 August 2022) Dr. Gerard Gadea (Head) Prof. Dr. G.-L. Bona, Director Empa Arnold Lücke (financed by the Department of Physics) Dr. W. Riess, IBM Department Head & Coordinator Binnig & Rohrer Nanotechnology Center SNI Executive Board (until 31 July 2022) Lists of members and Prof. Dr. C. Schönenberger, Director SNI (Nanocurriculum) Prof. Dr. P. M. Kristiansen, Vice Director (Network) projects 2022 Prof. Dr. D. Loss, Vice Director (Theoretical Physics) Prof. Dr. E. Meyer, Vice Director (Experimental Physics) Prof. Dr. M. Poggio, Vice Director (ANAXAM & Experimental Principal Investigators and associated members Physics) Prof. Dr. A. Schier, Vice Director (Biozentrum) Prof. Dr. T. Schwede, Vice Director (President’s Office) PhD students SNI PhD School projects 2022 SNI Executive Board (since 01 August 2022) Prof. Dr. M. Poggio, Director SNI (PhD School) Prof. Dr. M. Maletinsky, Vice Director (Nano-Argovia program) Nano-Argovia projects 2022 Prof. Dr. J. Huwyler (Nano Curriculum, Departement of Phar- maceutcial Sciences) Prof. Dr. R. Y. H. Lim (Biozentrum) Prof. Dr. K. Moselund (Paul Scherrer Institute) Prof. Dr. T. Schwede (President’s Office) Prof. Dr. O. Tagit (University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland) Further information Prof. Dr. O. Wenger (Department of Chemistry) C. Wirth, SNI General Manager (HR, Finance, Administration) Prof. Dr. I. Zardo (Nano Technology Center, Department of Physics) If you would like to know more about the Swiss Nanoscience Institute, please visit our website ( or fol- low us on LinkedIn, Twitter or YouTube. There we regularly post news from the network. SNI Management C. Wirth, General Manager (HR, Finance, Administration) Scientific supplement Dr. A. Baumgartner (PhD School) Scientific reports from all the Nano-Argovia and SNI PhD School Dr. A. Car (Coordination Nano Curriculum) projects from 2022 can be found on our website or by scanning S. Chambers (Coordination Nano Curriculum) the QR code. Dr. K. Beyer-Hans (Communications, outreach) S. Hüni (Communications, outreach) Dr. C. Möller (Communications, media contact, social media) Dr. M. Wegmann (Communications, outreach, social media) 56 SNI Annual Report 2022