Cover image: Analysis of human cells expressing a red fluorescent transgene by confocal microscopy. Cells were transfected using a lipid-nanoparticle (LNP) based gene delivery system. Bright green signal: endosomal escape, green signal: Galectin3-GFP, red signal: transgene RFP,- cyan signal: cell nuclei, blue signal: LNP (Image: Claudio Alter, Department of Pharmaceu- tical Sciences, University of Basel) About this publication: Design concept: STUDIO NEO Text and layout: C. Möller and M. Poggio with support by PIs and PhD students Translations and proof-reading: UNIWORKS (Erlangen, Germany) Images: If not referenced C. Möller © Swiss Nanoscience Institute, March 2023 SNI Annual Report 2022 57