2022 in brief Two prizewinning master’s theses In 2022, the two former nanoscience stu- dents Vera Weibel and Mathias Claus re- ceived prizes for their outstanding mas- ter’s theses. Vera Weibel investigated a superconducting material and Mathias Claus developed a torsion rocker. Page 13 Studying at renowned universities abroad Nanoscience students again had the op- portunity to complete part of their master’s studies abroad in 2022. Four students took up Argovia Travel Grants in order to fulfil their dreams of study- ing in the USA or Australia. The stu- dents wrote their master’s theses at various renowned universities and took this unique opportunity to get to know other cultures and to begin building their international network. Page 14 Swiss Nanotechnology PhD Award for young researchers from the SNI network Former nanoscience student Claudia Lotter and former SNI doctoral student Dr. A short video Informal conference for doctoral students Thomas Mortelmans received the Swiss summarizes The year 2022 also saw the return of the “Nanoscience in the Nanotechnology PhD Award. In her mas- some key figures Snow” Winter School for doctoral students at the SNI. Sur- ter’s thesis, Claudia Lotter investigated and activities of rounded by breathtaking scenery in Zermatt, the young scien- how lipid nanoparticles developed for gene the SNI in 2022. tists used the time to exchange ideas about their wide-ranging therapy can be optimized by tweaking the research projects and to get to know each other better. lipid composition. In his doctoral disserta- Page 21 tion at the SNI PhD School, Thomas Mor- telmans built a new platform for antibody Varied topics tests. In 2022, seven doctoral students successfully completed their Pages 14 and 20 doctoral dissertations at the SNI PhD School, having carried out the corresponding practical work at the Department of Physics and the Biozentrum at the University of Basel and at the Paul Scherrer Institute. From page 17 4 SNI Annual Report 2022