Dear colleagues and interested parties, This annual report looks back on another Other key areas of the SNI’s work include For us, as an interdisciplinary network eventful year. After two years of the coro- basic scientific and applied research as with colleagues at different research in- navirus pandemic, we were able to re- well as the training of excellent scientists stitutions, it was also important that we sume our work in the lab with almost no — and this will continue to be the case in were able to meet in person again and restrictions and return to meeting up the future. exchange ideas at the Annual Event and again in person. Although virtual formats It’s now been 20 years since the first the Nano-Tech Apéro in 2022. It is pre- helped us to stay in touch during the pan- students began their bachelor’s degrees cisely at events like these that new ideas demic, it has become clear to us all that in nanosciences at the University of Basel emerge for innovative interdisciplinary they cannot replace personal interactions and 10 years since we advertised the first projects that reach across institutional altogether. projects at the SNI PhD School. Since boundaries, and these projects are what Among other things, we used the first then, many young researchers have com- makes the Swiss Nanoscience Institute so half of the year to prepare for a change in pleted their training here in Basel and special. leadership at the Swiss Nanoscience Insti- embarked upon careers in industry and I hope this report provides you with tute. For 16 years, Christian Schönen- at universities. In this annual report, we some entertaining and interesting in- berger led the SNI as its director, building look at some of the highlights of the sights into the SNI’s work in 2022, and I it up into what is now – a recognized cen- course of studies and the PhD School. look forward to working together again ter of excellence for the nanosciences and We also outline findings of research this year. nanotechnology. I myself owe a great deal carried out within the network and des- to this network, having been part of it as cribe applied research projects that were Kind regards, an Argovia Professor since 2009. As SNI funded in collaboration with industrial Director since August 2022, I now have companies from the Canton of Aargau or the opportunity to give something back one of the Basel half cantons as part of and to help shape the future of this unique the Nano-Argovia program in 2022. Our network. I’m supported in these efforts by new approach whereby these findings are the newly constituted SNI Executive Com- reported only briefly in this general sec- Professor Martino Poggio mittee, whose members represent the tion of the annual report, while the sci- SNI Director SNI’s network partners, as well as the par- entific supplement explores them in ticipating departments at the University greater depth, has proven successful. of Basel, and have also assumed leader- In the second half of 2022 especially, ship of areas such as the Nano-Argovia numerous events served as an opportu- program, the nanoscience curriculum and nity for the SNI team to attract public in- the newly founded Nano Technology Cen- terest in the nanosciences, the SNI in gen- ter. Together, we will continue to expand eral and the nanosciences degree course the SNI and ensure it is well equipped for at the University of Basel. In this regard, a future in which nanotechnologies are I would particularly like to highlight our set to play an increasingly key role. excellent collaboration with Museum In 2022, we took an important step in Burghalde in Lenzburg, which allows us this direction by founding the Nano Tech- to inform broad sections of the general nology Center, which includes the al- public about the Canton of Aargau’s com- ready established Nano Imaging Lab and mitment to the nanosciences. Another the newly founded Nano Fabrication Lab. highlight of our outreach work in 2022 The staff of these two service units offer was the SNI’s attendance at the Rüe- valuable services to customers from aca- blimärt in Aarau, where we were able to demia and industry, as well as making give the many keen visitors there insights valuable contributions to various lines of into the rich possibilities that the nano- research. sciences offer. SNI Annual Report 2022 3