Nano Technology Center: Professional services and research Alongside education and research, the imaging services provided by the Nano Imaging Lab have become a key element of the SNI’s work in recent years. In 2022, the SNI also founded the Nano Fabrication Lab as a new service unit in order to provide professional assistance to research groups and to bring together the various activities relat- ing to micro and nano fabrication at the University of Basel. Together, the Nano Imaging Lab and the Nano Fabrication Lab make up the SNI Nano Technology Center, which is led by Professor of Physics, Dr. Ilaria Zardo. The Nano Imaging Lab further optimized its outstanding range of equipment in 2022. Thanks to these investments, the six-person team is now even better equipped to provide customers from univer- sities and industry with optimum processing, analysis and imaging techniques. In 2022, the team processed a total of over 175 orders from over 120 different customers and in some cases made key sci- entific contributions to research projects. Fascinating images from the micro and nano world not only allow scientists to obtain new findings, but also provide non-experts with insights into the world of tiny structures as part of outreach activities. The SNI’s Nano Fabrication Lab (NF Lab) began operating in August 2022 with two members of staff bringing together the necessary technical equipment from various working groups of the Department of Physics at the University of Basel and put organizational measures in place to improve the efficiency and safety of clean room operation. Now, they’re setting their sights on expanding the infrastructure. In 2022, the NF Lab’s services were used by 11 research groups with a total of 77 users from the University of Basel and made significant contributions to several publications in renowned scientific journals. Nano Technology Center: 44 SNI Annual Report 2022