The Nano Fabrication Lab also includes the clean Founding of the Nano Fabrication Lab room at the Department of Physics. Here, Arnold Professional nanofabrication at the SNI Lücke (left) and Gerard Gadea (right) help re- searchers fabricate micro and nano structures. Today, the accurate and efficient fabrication of micro and nano structures is a fundamental prerequisite for many questions in the field of nanotechnology. In summer 2022, various existing activities and infrastructure from different laboratories at the Department of Physics were therefore brought together at the Swiss Nanoscience Institute, and the Nano Fabrication Lab (NF Lab) was founded. Physicist Dr. Gerard Gadea became head of the NF Lab on 1 August 2022 and is supported in his work by technical assistant Arnold Lücke. The two scientists have many years of experience in nanofabrication and are working together to build up this new service unit, which will make the University of Basel fit for the future when it comes to nanofabrication. The team of the NF Lab first improved efficiency and safety in the clean room by implementing organizational changes and are now working to expand the infrastructure with equipment including two new lithography systems (electron- and laser-based), a metal “Founding the Nano Fabrication evaporator and chemical exhaust hoods. Lab has allowed us to provide ef- The Nano Fabrication Lab also includes the clean room at fective services in the fields of the Department of Physics and plans to rent a second clean micro and nano fabrication.” room in the new building of the Department of Biosystems Professor Ilaria Zardo, who is Science and Engineering of ETH Zurich in Basel, providing a responsible for the SNI Nano further significant improvement in working conditions. Found- Technology Center on the ing the NF Lab will not only make micro and nano fabrication SNI Executive Committee more effective in the future but will also facilitate the imple- mentation of safety concepts, reduce costs through centralized organization, and improve the quality of nanofabrication pro- cesses thanks to professional scientific assistance. SNI Annual Report 2022 45