Network: Interdisciplinary and dedicated The basis for all SNI activities is the SNI network, which includes re- searchers from different departements at the University of Basel, for ex- ample Biomedicine, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physics, and the Biozentrum, as well as members of research groups from the FHNW Schools of Life Sciences and Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland in Muttenz and Windisch, the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zu- rich in Basel (D-BSSE), the CSEM (Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique) in Allschwil and the ANAXAM technology transfer cen- ter. The wider network also includes the Hightech Zentrum Aargau in Brugg and Basel Area Business & Innovation, which work to promote knowledge and technology transfer. Change at the top Martino Poggio becomes new director of the SNI On 1 August 2022, Professor Martino Poggio took over as direc- tor of the SNI from Professor Christian Schönenberger, who had led the Institute for 16 years. Poggio, a physicist, joined the University of Basel as an Ar- govia Professor in 2009 and has been involved in the SNI net- work since then. With his research group at the Department of Physics, he works on topics in nanomechanics, nanomagnetism and nanoimaging. As director of the SNI, Poggio will be sup- ported by Vice Director Professor Patrick Maletinsky and by the SNI Executive Committee as a strategic executive body. Various responsibilities were transferred to members of the Committee at the time of its renewal. The new members of the SNI Executive Committee represent partner institu- As Vice Director Patrick Maletinsky (left) supports Martino Poggio (right), tions and departments in the SNI network. Moreover, responsibility for the PhD who has been heading the Swiss Nanoscience Institute as Director since Au- program, the Nano-Argovia program and the service units of the Nano Technol- gust 2022. ogy Center is assumed by one member each of the Committee. 50 SNI Annual Report 2022