Interdisciplinary exchange Elucidation of 3D structures Annual Event and Nano-Tech Apéro Now at the disposal of SNI members The SNI network includes researchers from different disciplines In 2022, ELDICO Scientific — a startup that developed within the who work at various research institutes in Northwestern Swit- SNI network — inaugurated the Electron Diffraction Experience zerland. Events such as the Annual Event and the Nano-Tech Center at Innovationspark Allschwil. Under the supervision of Apéro are important occasions for promoting active collabora- the ELDICO team, the first electron diffractometer developed by tion, including between different disciplines and institutions. ELDICO, the ED-1, is available for members of the Electron Dif- In 2022, the members of the SNI network met in Lenzerhe- fraction Experience Center to carry out their measurements. As ide for their annual scientific conference. After two years of the an academic partner of the Center, the SNI puts this promising coronavirus pandemic, it was once again possible to meet with- and innovative technology at the disposal of its network. out restrictions — which was hugely beneficial for an intensive ELDICO Scientific was founded in 2019 after researchers scientific exchange. working on a Nano-Argovia project demonstrated that electron In addition, this year’s well-attended Nano-Tech Apéro, diffraction could be used to analyze the 3D structure of na- which was hosted by the FHNW School of Life Sciences in Mut- noscale materials. tenz, was all about applied research projects. Report: The two events highlighted the diversity of projects sup- ported by the SNI and the valuable impetus that applied re- search projects funded through the Nano-Argovia program can provide for industrial companies in Northwestern Switzerland. Report and Video Annual Event: Nano-Tech Apéro: The Electron Diffraction Experience Center at Innovationspark Allschwil is supported by the SNI and was opened by the CEO of ELDICO Scientific, Eric Hovestreydt, in March 2022. (Image: ELDICO Scientific) Successful researchers in the SNI network Numerous grants and prizes The Nano-Tech Apéro provides SNI members and researchers from the Numerous researchers from the SNI network received honors world of industry with an opportunity to learn about ongoing Nano-Argovia or grants in 2022. projects and to make new contacts within the network. The physicist Professor Jelena Klinovaja and the biophysicist Professor Michael Nash received an ERC Consolidator Grant. Entanglement Professor Stefan Willitsch, a chemist, was awarded an SNSF An important topic of research at the SNI — Advanced Grant, and Professor Murielle Delley, also a chemist, received an SNSF Starting Grant. and worthy of a Nobel Prize Murielle Delley was appointed assistant professor of inor- ganic chemistry, and it was also announced in 2022 that Profes- In 2022, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three re- sors Sebastian Hiller, Timm Maier and Dominik Zumbühl were searchers who have carried out groundbreaking experimental to be made full professors. research with entangled photons. Several research groups within the SNI network have also been working with entangled particles, thereby contributing to the development of new meth- ods and technologies in quantum physics. Report: SNI Annual Report 2022 51