Adapted detector for cryo-electron microscopy Patch against ulcers in the mouth Cryo-electron microscopy has made tremendous progress in re- In the Nano-Argovia project Hydrogel Patch, researchers have cent years and nowadays allows three-dimensional imaging of developed a patch to be used for non-specific ulcers in the oral proteins in their natural environment in the cell. In the Nano-Ar- mucosa. The patch covers the affected areas and can deliver govia project HPDET-EM, an interdisciplinary team has collabo- healing agents. The patch, which is made of a self-assembling rated to install, test and apply a new detector in an electron synthetic peptide hydrogel, adheres well to the soft, moist oral microscope that is better adapted to the needs of cryo-electron mucosa and is free of animal ingredients. The researchers tested microscopy (cryo-EM) than detectors used for synchrotron and various methods and substances to cross-link and stabilize the X-ray analysis. The hybrid pixel detector tested has a high read- hydrogel and investigated biocompatibility and integration of out speed and sensitivity and is, therefore, particularly suited nanocapsules that release active ingredients. to further advance cryo-EM technology in the life sciences. Cooperation with: vVardis AG // FHNW School of Life Sci- Cooperation with: DECTRIS AG // Biozentrum, University ences // University Center for Dentistry at the University of Basel // Paul Scherrer Institute of Basel Project description: Project description: In the Nano-Argovia project HPDET-EM, researchers are applying a new de- Electron micrograph of the peptide used in the Nano-Argovia project Hydro- tector adapted to the needs of cryo-electron microscopy. The image shows gel Patch. (Image: L. Kind, FHNW) E. coli bacteria as well as a bacteriophage (marked with the arrow) and gold particles. (Image: M. Er-Rafik, Biozentrum, University of Basel) “The Nano-Argovia project supports our efforts to “We are confident that this collaboration will help develop innovative and intelligent regeneration us to play a critical role in the important new market systems for oral applications.“ segment of cryo-electron microscopy.” Michael Hug, Co-CSO at vVardis AG Dr. Sacha de Carlo, Global Sales Manager EM at Dectris AG SNI Annual Report 2022 39