Template against inflammation In the Nano-Argovia project LIGARECO, the inter- In the Nano-Argovia project LIGARECO, researchers have devel- disciplinary team has cultivated ligament-forming cells in hydrogels patterned with channels. The oped a microstructured, resorbable hydrogel template that pre- aim is to increase soft tissue strength and there- vents inflammation of dental implants. Similar to a natural by prevent inflammation of dental implants. tooth, the template stimulates the formation of collagen fibers (Image: FHNW, UZB, NovoNexile) around the implant neck and thus supports the anchoring of the implant in the surrounding soft tissue. This creates a barrier to prevent bacterial invasion and thus protects the implant from bacterial infection. The researchers first focused on the fabrication of the hy- drogel template and then investigated various micro and nano- structures of the hydrogels to control the settlement of liga- ment-forming cells and the formation of the desired fibers. Cooperation with: NovoNexile AG // FHNW School of Life Sciences // University Center for Dentistry at the Universi- ty of Basel Project description: http://bit.ly/3jTYzWV 38 SNI Annual Report 2022