Women in the SNI Network There are new videos in our series “Who are the women in nanoscience?”: https://nanoscience.unibas.ch/de/outreach/videos/frauen-im-sni-netzwerk/ Antonia Ruffo, SNI doctoral student at the Paul Scherrer Institut https://youtu.be/V386tx4PLFA Sina Saxer, Research associate at the FHNW School of Life Sciences https://youtu.be/YzNFfA4CiF8 Tamara Utzinger, who has just completed her master’s in nanoscienc- es at the University of Basel https://youtu.be/5t6SMUYxaj4 Antonia Ruffo, Sina Saxer, Tamara Utzinger, and Géraldine Guex talk Géraldine Guex about their careers, their motivation and their fascination for very dif- Professor for Oral Implantology, University Center ferent scienti昀椀c topics. of Dental Medicine Basel (UZB) https://youtu.be/4nbXd3jKkZ0 What exactly is nano? We’ve animated our “Was ist Nano?” brochure, in which you can now 昀椀nd easy-to-understand answers and in- sights into nanoresearch at the SNI partly illustrated with moving images. Brochure in German Was ist Nano? (“What is Nano?”): https://sniunibas.relayto.com/e/was-ist-nano-rppx3iftjvkzn?hub=651d6a40795e2 Annual Event 2023 From September 6—8, the members of the SNI network met for the Annual Event — which was held, for the 昀椀rst time, in the Canton of Aargau, speci昀椀cally at Lake Hallwil. It was a great conference, with exciting talks and post- ers on basic and applied research in wide-ranging areas of the nanosciences, as well as opportunities to network and exchange ideas. Video: For the 昀椀rst time, members of the SNI network met at Lake Hallwil for https://youtu.be/f4HHrbnXw88 their Annual Event. SNI INSight — Showcasing research and activities of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute Concept, text and layout: C. Möller, M. Poggio Translations and proof-reading: UNIWORKS (Erlangen, Germany) Image credits: C. Möller and named sources © Swiss Nanoscience Institute, December 2023 SNI INSight December 2023 28