SNSF Starting Grant for Jonathan de Roo The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is award- ing six SNSF Starting Grants to the University of Basel. Prof. Jonathan De Roo, assistant professor with tenure track at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Basel, has been awarded one of these grants to develop recyclable sponges with programmable structures made of metal-oxo clusters. These sponges have applications as catalysts, for example in the production of pharmaceuti- cals or in water puri昀椀cation. Jonathan de Roo has been awarded an SNSF Starting Grant. Further information: roo/ Marek Basler newly elected EMBO member Prof. Marek Basler of the Biozentrum, University of Ba- sel, has been elected as a new member of the renowned European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO). Basler is now one of a select group of more than 2,000 leading life scientists in Europe and beyond who have so far been honored by EMBO for their outstanding research achievements with this lifetime membership. Further information: Marek Basler has been elected as a member of the European Mo- Marek-Basler-newly-elected-EMBO-member.html lecular Biology Organization (EMBO). (Image: Biozentrum, University of Basel) Dominik Zumbühl elected American Physical Society Fellow for 2023 Prof. Dominik Zumbühl, SNI member and director of the NCCR Spin, receives the award “For quantum transport experiments in semiconductor nanostructures at low temperatures studying coherence, spins, and spin-orbit coupling including developing and deploying laboratory instruments”. Further information: Dominik Zumbühl has been elected American Physical can-physical-society-fellow-fuer-2023-gewaehlt/ Society Fellow for 2023. (Image: NCCR Spin) NZZ report: Quantum Computing An NZZ report published in September takes an in- depth look at quantum computing and highlights both the limitless potential and the risks associated with this ground-breaking technology. Further information: SNI INSight December 2023 27