Further Examples of AlphaFold information Research group applications by SNI members Timm Maier https://www.biozentrum. unibas.ch/about/adminis- tration/administration-a-z/ overview/unit/research-group- timm-maier Research group Sebastian Hiller https://www.biozentrum.uni- bas.ch/about/administration/ administration-a-z/overview/ unit/research-group-sebas- tian-hiller Timm Maier’s research focuses on the architecture and functional principles of multienzymes and regulatory protein complexes. Understanding protein metabolism mography to study CO 昀椀xation and pho- 2 In their research, Professor Maier’s team tosynthesis. The researchers use AI tools to (Biozentrum, University of Basel) focus on interpret the 3D images that they acquire the architecture and functional principles inside various algae species. AlphaFold helps of multienzymes and regulatory protein them understand the structures of protein complexes — such as the mTOR complex. complexes that they see inside the cells. The researchers combine experimental and computer-aided methods such as Alpha- Fold to analyze both isolated proteins and proteins in cells with a view to gaining a better understanding of their dynamics and function within the cell. This fundamental understanding of metabolism and metabol- ic regulation directly shows potential appli- cations of new medicines. The group led by Professor Sebastian Hiller (Biozentrum, University of Basel) uses Alpha- Fold to predict protein structures, including not only individual proteins but also oligo- mers and protein complexes. For example, the researchers are analyzing the proteins of the outer membrane of bacteria, which are produced by a conveyor belt of “chaper- ones.” Here, the AI serves to form hypoth- eses, validate results and identify relevant objectives — e.g., for the development of new antibiotics. Interpretation of data Ben Engel (left) and SNI PhD student Philippe Van der Professor Ben Engel’s team (Biozentrum, Stappen (right) are checking cultures of algae, which have evolved powerful mechanisms for ef昀椀cient CO University of Basel) uses cryo-electron to- 2 昀椀xation. 8 SNI INSight December 2024