SNI startup workshop Further information “From Lab to Startup” SNI PhD School en/forschung/phd-programm/ Doctoral students from the SNI PhD School generally work on Innovation Office questions of basic research. Sometimes, however, the prospect Universität Basel of an innovative application is not that far removed from their Innovation/ work. In mid-October, seven SNI doctoral students received expert guidance as they gained extensive insights into the world of founding a startup. This experience brought the process of founding a business within reach for the young researchers, who learned about the 昀椀rst key steps in launching their own startup and displayed great energy and enthusiasm as they developed business ideas of their own. Accordingly, the “From Lab to Start- up” workshop, which follows a new concept and will now be held every year as part of the SNI PhD School, was a complete success. For most doctoral researchers of the nano- Intensive days with excellent results sciences, founding a startup is not exactly In collaboration with Mauricio Campos, who top of their list of options after completing owns a consultancy 昀椀rm, Pekonen led the their doctorate. To highlight the possibility 昀椀rst installment of the workshop, which was of founding a business and provide young re- attended by seven doctoral students from the searchers with an introduction into the req- SNI PhD School and Andreas Baumgartner uisite knowledge and tools, the coordinator on 16–17 October. Over two morning ses- of the SNI PhD School, Dr. Andreas Baumgart- sions, the participants learned a great deal ner, worked with Anna-Elina Pekonen from about the mindset and skills needed to turn the Innovation O昀케ce of the University of research 昀椀ndings into a successful startup. Basel to design a new concept for the short “It’s imperative that although this includes workshop “From Lab to Startup” for SNI doc- a certain willingness to take risks, the 昀氀ip toral students. side is that there’s no shame in failure and Seven SNI doctoral students showed a great deal of energy and enthusiasm as they attended the new “From Lab to Startup” course, developed in collaboration with the Innovation Of昀椀ce of the University of Basel. 24 SNI INSight December 2024