Further quantum sensors in terms of their spatial res- Materials and Devices for Metrology), devel- information olution, sensitivity and functionality. oped as part of the European Metrology Part- nership. The aim of the project is to research Swiss Quantum Call and develop materials and devices that use 2024 Control over quantum processes thanks the quantum anomalous Hall e昀昀ect (QAHE) https://www.snf.ch/media/de/ p5ohquN28RM7xgVr/swiss- to coherent feedback to realize a primary standard for electrical quantum-call-2024-granted- As part of the Swiss Quantum Call 2024 of the resistance. Compared to current methods projects.pdf Swiss Quantum Initiative, the team led by based on the quantum Hall e昀昀ect, the QAHE Research group Professor Philipp Treutlein (Department of o昀昀ers the advantage of functioning under less Patrick Maletinsky Physics, University of Basel) has also received extreme conditions, such as lower magnetic https://quantum-sensing. the go-ahead for a project that will be funded 昀椀elds or higher temperatures. This could physik.unibas.ch/ for four years. Launched in September, the make using quantum e昀昀ects for electrical Research group project aims to control quantum processes measurements and the de昀椀nition of SI units Philipp Treutlein using a coherent feedback loop, whereby more accessible. https://atom.physik.unibas.ch/ quantum signals are processed and returned The Poggio Lab will contribute its QuAHMET without a measurement taking place. This expertise in low-temperature scanning probe https://sites.google.com/inrim. is bene昀椀cial because in quantum systems, microscopy to support project partners in it/quahmet/home?authuser=0 each measurement constitutes an interfer- the design and fabrication of magnetically Research group ing factor that alters the quantum state. By doped topological insulators, required for Martino Poggio bypassing the measurement, the researchers the QAHE, and to investigate the electronic, https://poggiolab.unibas.ch hope to open up new applications in quan- magnetic and structural properties of these tum technology. materials. In further modules, various in- ternational project partners are working to develop precise measurement methods for Using quantum effects for metrology QAHE-based devices and to promote the ap- Professor Martino Poggio’s group is partic- plication of these technologies in areas such ipating in the European research project as spintronics and topological quantum com- QuAHMET (Quantum Anomalous Hall E昀昀ect puting. Floris Braakman from Martino Poggio’s team is contributing his experience in the 昀椀eld of low-temperature scanning probe microscopy to the QuAHMET project. SNI INSight December 2024 23

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